Optimizing Your Printer/Copier Fleet
First Five Steps to a Document Strategy

Once you decide to begin efforts to design a document strategy, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the decision. Where do you begin? What should the scope of your strategy cover? How will you justify your efforts and demonstrate a return on investment? This white paper provides some answers by suggesting five steps you can take today toward an effective and profitable document strategy that will bring you real-world, bottom-line benefits.

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Taking Important Steps Toward A Document

While there are many environments and technologies to consider when designing a document strategy, companies are discovering that their printer and copier fleet can serve as an effective and profitable place to start. Workgroup printers and copiers are a natural and sensible environment for a document strategy because they directly support the day-to-day business of organizations of all sizes and types from every industry. Pick any department or any business process and you can bet that users – from frontline employees to executive staff – depend on printers and copiers to get their job done. Ultimately, business operations depend on the efficiency, effectiveness and cost control associated with work group printers and copiers.

Despite their importance to company performance, printers and copiers are rarely managed as a corporate asset. Often planning and budgeting for devices is fragmented among various budgets, departments, and managers, and many times the planning that does take place starts with asking various vendors to submit proposals based on incumbent vendor proposals. This inevitably results in increased operating costs, sub-optimal leases and contracts, and lost opportunity for process improvement. What is needed is a centralized, strategic approach; one that is based upon a wellthought assessment of the costs, volumes, support needs, and employee effort associated with the workflow. With such an assessment, companies often find that they can reduce the number of printers and copiers hanging on their network, cut support and supply costs, and optimize their equipment leases and maintenance contracts.

The job is not completed once an assessment has concluded, however. Ongoing management of your printer/copier fleet is essential to ensure that the environment continues to perform as it should and that the return on investments uncovered are, in fact, realized. This is a challenge for most organizations since internal resources are rarely applied to manage printers and copiers, and the environment is commonly left in the hands of vendors and suppliers who often profit from the inefficiencies of the fleet. Independent attention is needed in order to gain and maintain the benefits of your document strategy over time.

So the question becomes: Where do you begin to design a document strategy to make the most of your workgroup printers and copiers? Here are five steps you can take today to cut costs, improve device performance, and increase the effectiveness of your contracts and suppliers.

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