Copier Questionnaire excerpeted from Buying a Copier? How to get what you're paying for.

A SOLID ARRAY OF FACTS ABOUT YOUR CURRENT copier needs is your best defense against copier sales ploys that may work against you. This is your first task in purchasing a new copier - evaluating your copier needs now and over the next five years.

For every copier you have placed in service, you need accurate records showing the number of copies made per month since the copier was purchased, the date and detailed results of every service call, including parts that were replaced and repairs that were made. Combined with the price you paid for the copier and the service contract, these records will give you a good idea of the cost per copy using current equipment as well as a measure of the reliability of your equipment.

Start with a checklist of the requirements and features you feel are important in the machine you will buy or lease. Here is a sample checklist:

Checklist for copier purchase

Copier Paper Source Questions

Copier needs to copy onto-
_____ 8 1/2 by 11 Letter
_____ 8 1/2 by 11 R*
_____ 8 1/2 by 14 Legal
_____ 5 1/2 by 8 1/2 Statement
_____ Oversized (11 by 17)
_____ Transparencies
_____ Letterhead
_____ Colored paper stock
_____ Gummed labels
_____ Card stock (weight: ____ pounds)
*An "R" tray feeds paper into the copier with the short edge (8 1/2 inches) first. A paper tray that feeds with the long edge (11 inches) first is called a "letter tray."

Copier Originals Questions

Copier needs to copy from-
_____ 8 1/2 by 11 Letter
_____ 8 1/2 by 11 R
_____ 8 1/2 by 14 Legal
_____ 8 1/2 by 5 1/2 Statement
_____ Oversized (11 by 17)
_____ Bound items
_____ Transparencies
_____ Letterhead
_____ Light/heavy paper
_____ Photographs
_____ Pencil originals
_____ Colored originals

Copier Hardware Needs Questions

1. Copy speed: ________

2. Document feed device:
_____ ADF _____ RDF _____ RDH _____ CCF (See pages 36-37 for definitions)

3. Automatic duplexing?
_____ yes _____ no
Largest paper size: ________

4. Sorter/collator:
Number of bins: ____ bin capacity: ____ or _____ Off-set stacker
_____ Finisher/Stapler, Number of copies: ________

5. Paper sizes that need to be loaded in the copier at the same time:
_____ 8 1/2 by 11 Letter
_____ 8 1/2 by 11 R*
_____ 8 1/2 by 14 Legal
_____ 8 1/2 by 5 1/2 Statement
_____ Oversize (11 by 17)

6. _____ Large capacity paper tray
Sheet capacity: ________ Paper size: ________

7. _____ Single sheet bypass
    _____ Multiple sheet bypass
    number of sheets: ________

8. _____ Reduction/Enlargement
    From _____% to _____%

Copier Leasing Needs Questions

Leasing agreement
_____ yes _____ no
If yes-
_____ 12 Months _____ 24 Months
_____ 36 Months _____ 48 Months
_____ 60 Months
_____ $1.00 _____ 10% _____ Fair Market Value
Cost per copy
_____ yes _____ no
If yes-
_____ 12 Months _____ 24 Months
_____ 36 Months _____ 48 Months
_____ 60 Months

To get your FREE copy of our complete book including information about copier questions to ask, sample copier rfps, contracts, and management information, please visit Buying A Copier? How to get what you pay for.